CE Certification is a European directive core of \"main demand\", in the EC May 7, 1985 85/C136/01, the technical coordination with the standard method of resolution to be used as development and real Application instruction purpose \"main demand\" has a specific meaning, which is restricted to products without endangering the security of humans, animals and goods safety requirements, rather than general quality requirements, coordination of instruction only provides the main requirements, general Instruction requirements are standard tasks. Products comply with the relevant requirements of the relevant directives, you can attach the CE logo, and not by the relevant standards for the general quality of the provisions of the use of CE logo.
查看详情 +According to the British active Guard RFID RFID; Solutions news release, the company AllGuard active RFID(Radio Frequency Identification)Platform has been the EU CE certification, product can take CE certification sign. It is reported that the active RFID platform for healthcare, industrial enterprises to provide real-time asset tracking, personnel positioning and security.
查看详情 +CE,是从法语“Communate Europpene”缩写而成,是欧洲共同体的意思,简称欧盟。没有CE标志的,不得上市销售,已加贴CE标志进入市场的产品,发现不符合安全要求的,要责令从市场收回,持续违反指令有关CE标志规定的,将被限制或禁止进入欧盟市场或被迫退出市场。CE认证是强制性+自我宣告两种模式,不需要验厂。
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