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7168 作者: 北测集团



       EN 50360-2001 Product standard to demonstrate the compliance of mobile phones with the basic restrictions related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields(300 MHz – 3 GHz)产品标准

       EN 50566‐2013 Product standard to demonstrate compliance of radio frequency fields from hand held and body-mounted wireless communication devices used by the general public (30 MHz -- 6 GHz)技术标准

       EN 62209-1-2006 Human exposure to radio frequency fields from hand-held and body-mounted wireless communication  devices — Human models, instrumentation, and procedures —Part 1: Procedure to determine the specific absorption rate (SAR) for  hand-held devices used in close proximity to the ear (frequency range  of 300 MHz to 3 GHz)

       EN 62209-2-2010 Human exposure to radiofrequency fields from hand-held and body mounted wireless communication devices — Human models, instrumentation, and procedures Part 2: Procedure to determine the specific absorption rate (SAR) for wireless communication devices used in close proximity to the human body(frequency range of 30 MHz to 6 GHz) 

       EN 62479-2010 Assessment of the compliance of low power electronic and electrical apparatus with the basic restrictions related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields (10 MHz - 300 GHz)

       其中,技术标准EN 62209-2-2010作为产品标准EN 50566‐2013的技术规范性文件,定义body SAR检测距离,由产品制造商按照定义其产品预期使用的典型距离。如手机类, body SAR可定义并采用10 mm/ 15 mm作为评估距离。


       2014年,法国对标准EN 50566‐2013提出异议,指出应考虑便携和移动式产品的具体使用条件,并应提出body SAR 的评估距离。欧盟经过评估后认为该提议合理,需对EN50566进行修订补充,内容如下:    

       警示:基于安全性目标,结合指令1999/5/EC的Article 3(1)(a)条款以及附件I 至指令2006/95/ EC,规定在使用此测试标准时应符合相关间隔距离的规定,并能反映出设备实际日常使用时的真实情况,确保公众在使用(30MHz-6GHz)手持式和身体佩戴式无线通信设备时的安全性。 举例说明,对于肢体SAR评估(限值为4W/kg),测量间隔距离为0(设备直接接触模型);对于身体body SAR(限值为2W/kg),测量间隔距离可以是几mm。 【Warning: The application of this publication shall observe certain conditions relating to the separation distance, reflecting the practical day to day use, ensuring the safe use of handheld and body‐mounted wireless communication devices used by the general public (30 MHz ‐ 6 GHz), for the purposes of the safety objectives provided for in Article 3 (1) (a) of Directive 1999/5/EC, in conjunction with Annex I to Directive 2006/95/EC. For example, for limb SAR measurements (limit 4 W/kg), no separation distance may be used (device in contact); for trunk SAR measurements (limit 2 W/kg) a separation distance of less than a few millimetres may be used.】     

       据悉,欧盟将很可能在近期,即2016年中,推行:肢体SAR测量(限值为4W/kg),测量间隔距离为0;body SAR(限值为2W/kg),测量间隔距离为5mm。因此,对于近期计划开展欧盟SAR检测的项目各位负责人,同耀实验室特别提醒:请提前仔细做好研发评估,避免在认证时出现fail,而使整个认证周期超出控制范围。

       以下是实验室分别验证15mm/10mm/5mm/0mm Body SAR所得到的一组数据,供参考。                                                                         


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