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Argentina ENACOM Releases Updated Low Power Devices Technical Standard

2497 Author: Shenzhen NTEK Testing Technology Co., Ltd.
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ENACOM released version 20.1 of Low Power Devices technical standard ENACOM-Q2-60.14 (attached in Spanish and English).
New standard has been published on the Official Bulletin of Argentina on April 27th, 2021 by Resolution 551/2021.

argentina certification
Changes: It differentiates the called “shared use bands”. They are: 915-928 MHz, 2.400-2.483,5 MHz and 5.725-5850 MHz. These bands were already included on previous versions but now it breaks them down on page 11 categorized as STIC service. Note, for example, 5.8 GHz devices now can transmit at 50.000 μV/m (before the limit was 1.000 μV/m), solving a restriction for some equipments that couldn’t be tested in conducted way, like vehicle volumetrics sensors operating within this band. So, now it is allowed the approval of transmitters/transceivers that carry out unidirectional/bidirectional communications, whose emission levels generate low interference capacity to other systems in these bands. It increases the allowed Peak Electric Field Intensity level of devices operating on 3.1 - 10.6 GHz & 22.0 - 26.65 GHz, from 6.926 µV/m to 115.486 µV/m. It increases the allowed measurement Resolution Bandwidth of devices operating on 3.1 - 10.6 GHz & 22.0 - 26.65 GHz, from 3 MHz to 50 MHz. This solves a restriction some UWB devices used to have with the old standard. It changes the detector required for 314-316 MHz devices from Quasi-Peak to Average. This version will be enforced 90 days after its publication: July 27th, 2021. Therefore, v18.1 of standard will be accepted for all on-going applications and new applications before July 27, 2021. Renewals will NOT need retesting if devices are complying with new version of this technical standard. In that cases, manufacturer will just need to send a letter stating compliance with v20.1 of Low Power Standard.

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